Claudio De Angelis
He is responsible for remarketing vehicles across Canada and is also the co-lead of the International Automotive Remarketers Alliance’s (IARA) Education and Certification committee. He is a IARA certified Automotive Remarketer and is the recipient of the IARA’s Remarketer of the Year and Auto Remarketing Canada’s under 40 awards.
4 Steps to Selling Fleet Vehicles for Maximum Returns
Now is a better time than ever to start selling fleet vehicles at auction. Properly remarketing your vehicles gives you great potential for high returns and can really boost your bottom line.
A Look at What’s Happening in the Vehicle Markets Today
In early 2020, no one anticipated the disruption the rest of the year would bring to nearly every aspect of our lives. The vehicle markets, of course, did not remain untouched. The past year has seen…
The Rising Used Vehicle Market: What Fleets Need to Know
It may come as a surprise, but the used vehicle market is indeed on the rise again. Even amidst the ongoing uncertainties caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, we’re seeing used vehicle prices increase,…
[Interview] The State of the Used Vehicle Market During Covid-19
In today’s blog, we interview Brian Murphy of Canadian Black Book. Brian provides timely insights into what fleet managers can expect from the Canadian used vehicle market during Covid-19 including:…
How to Ensure Data Security When Selling Used Fleet Vehicles
Modern vehicles are computers on wheels. Electronic mechanisms not only control stop-and-go functioning, but also store user data. For example, GPS navigation systems are programmed with home…