This year, you may not have been able to order your 2021 vehicles when you initially planned to. Since the consequences of Covid-19 forced vehicle manufacturers to reassess pricing for 2021 models, they released vehicle specs and prices later than normal.
This pushed back the ordering window, leading to concerns about whether new vehicles will be delivered on time next year. Today’s blog will provide clarity around what to expect in terms of delivery times for 2021 vehicles. We’ll also outline a contingency strategy you can put into place, and share some tips for getting on top of your vehicle ordering for 2022 models.
Can you anticipate your 2021 vehicles arriving on time?
The good news is, as long as businesses and governments (and for our purposes, vehicle licensing offices) are open, we’re expecting close to normal delivery times. But unexpected delays may still occur, so it’s best to be prepared.
For example, there may be longer lead times if OEMs need to wait for vehicle parts due to shortages. Additionally, shorter build cycles this year may mean that if you didn’t get your vehicle orders in soon enough, you could also see delays. And if we do see an economic shut-down again, there may not be enough staff at dealerships to ensure your vehicles are delivered on time.
So while it’s generally safe to expect your vehicles to be delivered on time in 2021, it’s still best to be prepared for any eventuality.
What should you do if your vehicles won’t arrive when you need them?
If you do learn that your 2021 vehicles won’t arrive when you need them, our best advice is to take advantage of our short-term leasing program, Flex. This will ensure you can have your drivers in fit-for-purpose vehicles when you need them,without any downtime.
You can use Flex for as little as one month, until you new vehicles arrive. Flex also allows you to take advantage of the current healthy used vehicle market, by selling your current vehicles, while still having vehicles on a short-term basis for your drivers until your new ones arrive.
How should you structure your vehicle acquisition planning going forward?
As always, our advice is to plan your vehicle buy early. When planning out your year for 2021, schedule your 2022 vehicle orders as early in the year as possible—ideally in the spring or fall. Four to five months in advance, determine the replacements you’ll need and when you want to replace them, and get your factory orders in when the banks are open.
Although no one knows for sure how Covid will affect things in 2021, we recommend creating a strategic plan as you normally would around the new year’s ordering requirements, which could also include your short term replacements.
Expect nothing out of the ordinary to happen, but create a contingency plan just in case.
Get to Know the Author
Deborah is a seasoned Account Manager with 25 years’ experience in the Fleet Management Industry. Partnering with clients and driven by relationships, Deborah enjoys managing and delivering customized approaches to fleet management for clients of all sizes.
Having gained experience over the years in the areas of marketing, sales and customer service, her dedication and commitment to her clients and internal partners builds a strong foundation to deliver the best possible service and solutions to challenges while strengthening relationships with trust.
Deborah has received much recognition for her dedication and passion over the years through Customer and Ambassador Service Awards, Quality Operations and Presidents Awards, and the great reward of giving time in volunteering for organizations such as CCS and Sick Kids.
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